Dartsoft Customer support

How do I use Webmail?

How do I access my email control panel?

How do I setup my email client (e.g. Outlook/Outlook Express)?

If your email is hosted with Dartsoft, just append /webmail/ to your domain name in the browser window, then login using your email name (the bit before the @) and password (default password = initial). You should update the password to your own choice as soon as possible.

Webmail in browser

To access your email control panel (to setup new mailboxes or change forwarding settings) - append /webmail/admin/ to your domain name, and login using your domain name and password (default password = initial). You should update the password to your own choice as soon as possible.

Email control panel in browser

To setup your email software to collect POP3 email
NOTE: In instructions below, substitute YOUR domain name (e.g. dartsoft.co.uk - without www.) where <domain name> is shown.

  • Create/Edit your email; account settings
  • Setup your name and email address as required
  • Set Incoming (POP3) server as pop.<your domain name>
  • Set Outgoing (SMTP) server as specified by your ISP (since outgoing mails must go via ISP to prevent abuse by spammers)
  • Set  Account name as your FULL email address (including domain name)
  • Set Password as created in control panel (default = initial)